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Uploaded: 10.10.2017

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Improved PHP file sharing script FileExchange v2.x is designed for free hosting of files on the site. In this version, the file exchange script, the functionality has been expanded to improve the file exchange of users, new settings have appeared.

Current script version: 2.229 (of 10/10/2017)
CodeIgniter engine version: 3.1.6

By buying, the FileExchange v2 file sharing script, you will get:
1. File with file sharing files FileExchange v2 with a convenient installer.
2. Instructions for the installation and operation of the file sharing service, which can be downloaded here:

FileExchange v2 description

- Convenient installer of the file sharing script with the ability to configure some of the parameters (the rest is set in application \ config \ config.php);
- Ability to configure the maximum file size for uploading, specify the time of file storage on the server.
- There are several options for uploading files to the server: with a password for downloading and without a password.
- Automatic deletion of obsolete filesharing files if they are not downloaded within the time specified in the settings;
- The size of the uploaded files depends on the capabilities of the web server;
- Uploading files to the server by all Internet users without registration;
- Downloading from the file server by Internet users without registration;
- Display statistics of the number of downloaded and downloaded files on the server for the current day;
- Display statistics of the total size of downloaded and downloaded files for the current day;
- Add description to the file (at the request of the user);
- You can set a password to restrict access to the file (at the request of the user);
- Creation of numeric references and hash references (Depends on the parameter $ config [´type_link´]). For example, if the $ config [´type_link´] parameter is equal to number, then the links will look like this: http: // site_name / 1, http: // site_name / 1000, etc. And with the value of hash, the links will have view http: // site_name / f / 2ef0043c83e2358ad2ae30ac529a3a79
- A convenient structure for storing the themes of the file-sharing script, with the ability to specify its directory with the design using the settings of the script.
- Ability to use at once two types of links to download files from the file hosting (depends on the parameter $ config [´all_links´]).
- Embedded pages "Download with password", "Contacts", "FAQ", "Links (advertising)" and "Rules", which you can fill with the necessary content, using appropriate templates for this. If you do not need to use such pages, you just need to remove the necessary links and themes.

Some updates (Full description of the updates can be found here:
[v2.099] Fixed bug when downloading with a password, changed page addresses for better adaptation with search engines, output of a special page instead of a 404 error.
[v2.111] The output of file sizes (Byte, KByte, MByte, etc.) is adjusted depending on the file size.
[v2.112] Added trimming comments in which any word has a lot of characters without spaces. The same processing applies to file names.
[v2.130] In the directory where file hosting files are stored, .htaccess is updated, which prohibits the execution of scripts in this directory. (By default, scripts can not be loaded).
[v2.131.1] The output messages are expanded when the file is downloaded, if an error occurs (prohibited and or exceeded the size).
[v2.229] Testing and correction of scripts for compatibility with php 7.1
Technical requirements with hosting:
- PHP 5, php 7.1;
- MySQL 5;
- .htaccess

It is forbidden:
1. Reselling the PHP file sharing script FileExchange v2 on other resources;
2. Distribution of links preventing direct payment of this software.
3. Any free distribution.
4. Assigning yourself to authorship.
28.03.2014 11:19:34
загрузил, как проверю работу дополню отзыв

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