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Task number one.

Question 1. The total amount of solid waste production and consumption are in the dumps, landfills, storage facilities and landfills in Russia reaches:

1. 120 billion. M.

2. 100 billion. M.

3. 90 billion. M.

4. 80 billion. M.

5. 58 billion. M.

Question 2. As a result of the degradation of the aquatic environment to use contaminated water at home forced about:

1. 2 billion. Pers.

2. 1.5 billion. Pers.

3. 1, 3 bln. People.

4. 1.1 billion. Pers.

5. 1 billion. Pers.

Question 3. Water and wind erosion in Russia includes:

1. 1/5 of arable land

2. 1/4 of arable land

3. 1/3 of arable land

4. 2/3 of arable land

5. 2/5 of arable land

Question 4. Each year, on the globe is more:

1. 20 million. Fires.

2. 15 million. Fires

3. 10 million. Fires

4. 8 million. Fires

5. 5 million. Fires

Question 5. How much increased compared with the end of the 19th century the average annual temperature at the surface of the earth?

1. 1 degree

2. 0.5 degrees

3. 2 degrees

4. 3 degrees

5. no right answer

Task number 2

Question 1. The provision according to which the expansion of any human action should not lead to socio-economic and environmental disasters, -nazyvaetsya principle:

1. reasonable sufficiency

2. Succession slowdown

3. "old car"

4. remoteness events

5. The increase in the degree of ideality

Question 2. The degree of reliability of technologies, their trouble-free - it features:

1. Technical and economic risk

2. Technological Risk

3. Ecological Risk

4. social risks

5. All types of risk

Question 3. The provision according to which "the system can not shrink or expand to infinity", called the principle of:

1. euphoria deceptive prosperity

2. (inevitable) chain reactions "hard" control of nature

3. optimality

4. The old car

5. reasonable sufficiency.

Question 4. The provision according to which "eco-socio-economic efficiency of technical devices, providing" rigid "management of natural systems and processes is reduced, and the economic costs of maintaining the increase, called the principle of:

1. "reasonable sufficiency"

2. Succession slowdown

3. old car

4. Assumption of Risk

5. The increase in the degree of ideality

Question 5. Principles of human interaction with the environment are:

1. The euphoria of the first successes

2. Deleting Events

3. The principle of the old car

4. The correct answer №1, 2, 3

5. The correct answer is no

Task number 3.

Question 1. Human Environment Friday consists of:

1. Natural Wednesday

2. "second nature" (Tuesday generated agriculture)

3. "third nature" (artificial Saturday).

4. Social Sunday

5. All components Wednesday.

Question 2. Asphalt, concrete, transport facilities, service businesses include:

1. to the "second environment"

2. The "third environment"

3. to the social environment

4. to the environment

5. all elements surrounding Wednesday.

Question 3. Natural comfort, restful sleep and other leisure activities are:

1. psychological conditions of human activity

2. biological conditions of human activity

3. The economic environment of human activities

4. The working conditions of human activity

5. Ethnic conditions of human activity.

Question 4: Provision of food, clothing, housing, furniture, household items are:

1. The economic conditions of human activity

2. Ethnic conditions of human activity

3. The working conditions of human activity

4. The terms of the biological activity of the person

5. The psychological conditions of human activity.

Question 5. Have the ability to create and family are ...

1. ethological behavioral conditions of human activity

2. The social needs of man

3. The environmental conditions of
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