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Question 1. The essence of the banks is determined by the fact that they:

1. increase the money supply by organi¬zatsii cashless treatment;

2. engaged in accepting deposits;

3. To reduce the money supply by organiza¬tsii cashless treatment;

4. to issue bank notes;

5. specialize in financial intermediation.

Question 2. The Russian banks are prohibited from engaging:

1. insurance and trade;

2. Insurance, commercial and industrial activities;

3. The commercial and industrial activities;

4. professional activities in the securities market; trust management.

Question 3.Universalny Bank:

1. performs the full range of banking operations;

2. serving both physical and legal persons;

3. has a ruble and foreign currency license;

4. has additional licenses to conduct pro¬fessionalnoy activities in the securities market;

5. has a general license.

Question 4. Non-bank credit organization - is:

1. credit cooperatives, clearinghouses;

2. Paragraph "1" + leasing company;

3. The item "2" + charities;

4. The item "2" + banking associations;

5. The credit bureaus.

Question 5. In the legal form of banks can be:

1. The joint-stock and unit;


3. The public, private and mixed;

4. The universal and specialized;

5. without the participation of foreign capital, with the participation of inostranno¬go capital.

Task 2.

Question 1. The number of commercial banks are currently in Russia

is as follows:

1. at least 1000;

2. 1000;

3. more than 2000;

4. 3000;

5. about 100.

Question 2. Commercial banks are classified by a number of features:

1. according to the degree of infrastructure development;

2. The availability of qualified personnel;

3. for regulating their activity regulations;

4. The scope of activities;

5. on the technology applied.

Question 3. Services and operations carried out by commercial banks,

can be divided into:

1. by voluntary and compulsory;

2. The banking and non-banking;

3. primary and secondary;

4. productive and non-productive;

5. The market and non-market.

Question 4. The concept of "universal bank" implies that it is:

1. providing customers a full range of banking services;

2. works with both physical and legal persons;

3. is able to serve customers in different regions of the country;

4. All this is true;

5. Return only points "1" and "2".

Question 5. Separation of the concepts of "traditional" and "additional" Banking allows you to:

1. delineate the function of banks and non-bank financial institutions;

2. determine the range of operations that can perform isklyu¬chitelno commercial banks;

3. To perform banking transactions to non-bank financial institutions, but without taking into account the limitations of the central bank;

4. outline the range of operations that do not require compulsory li¬tsenzirovaniya;

5. divide the market of banking services to individual segments.

Task 3.

Question 1. Banking legislation includes:

1. Only special banking laws

2. banking laws and the laws of common action;

3. The banking laws, the laws of common action and regulations of the Bank of Russia;

4. The laws of a general action;

5. all laws affecting any aspect deyatelno¬sti banks.

Question 2. Banking legislation regulates:

1. The procedure for the establishment of a commercial bank;

2. The procedure for conducting banking operations;

3. The procedure of banking activities;

4. The rules of financial accounting and reporting of commercial banks;

5. The order of interaction with customers of a commercial bank.

Question 3. Credit institutions may create the following businesses:

1. consortia;

2. The holdings;

3. Association;

4. All of the above is true;

5. Return only points "1" and "2".

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