"Table" version 3.9 Formation timesheets in organizations, structural divisions. Maintaining the personnel database data in the context of periods (months), print report cards on the unified form number T-13 (A4).
Quick filling timesheets (hours) for individual workers on the basis of reference production calendar for shift personnel - based on predefined templates graphic.
Avtopodschet hours of payments codes and codes absences, overtime records and work schedules in the formation shift personnel (duty roster, "checkerboard", the schedule of any form of code changes).
Ability to upload (import) the personnel data from one database to another.
Version 3.1 adds the ability to enter multiple normalized work schedules (eg part of the employees working on a schedule of 40 hours per week and part of a reduced schedule of 36 hours a week. You can add an unlimited number of schedules.
Download a demo version is available on the link:
новая демо версия 3-9 для 64-x:
3-8 демо 64x формат 2010:
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