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Actual problems of state and law theory test 127 questions.

TASK 1 Subject theory of law is:

1. History of State and Law in Russia and abroad.

2. Laws of development of the state and law, other state-legal phenomena, as well as non-legal phenomena related to the political and legal reality.

3. Laws of the constitutional and legal development of the state.

TASK 2 Science theory of law and the state differs from the corresponding academic discipline that ...

1. Science studies all patterns of occurrence, development and operation of state-legal phenomena and academic discipline - only those that are necessary for further study of jurisprudence.

2. Science examines not only his subject but also the subject of other sciences, and academic discipline - just your subject.

3. Science and applies what is already known, and what else is known, and to academic discipline - only what is already known.

Science develops legal scholars and academic discipline only faculty of law schools.

ACTIVITY 3 The main difference between the theory of law and the state of the branch of jurisprudence is that ...

1. Each branch science studies his subject, and the theory of law and state - all subjects of industrial science.

2. Industry-sciences study the relevant rules, and the theory of law and state - all the legislation in general.

3. Theory of law and state studies the general laws of the origin, development and functioning of the state and law, science and industry - specific patterns of a group of public relations, which are regulated by this branch of law.

4. Content sciences industry is always associated with legal practice and theory of law and the state develops independently, in isolation.

ACTIVITY 4 Special scientific methods - it's ...

1. The methods used for all concrete sciences.

2. The methods used in several, but not all concrete sciences.

3. The methods developed specific sciences and icpolzuyutsya for knowledge of state-legal phenomena.

4. The methods developed in the framework of different philosophical schools and areas for learning about the world.

Task 5 The subject and method of the theory of law and state are related as follows ...

1. Subject defines his research methods.

2. The method determines the researcher, regardless of the subject of research.

3. Subject and method exist independently of each other.

4. Focusing on the appropriate methods, the researchers determined the subject of the theory of state and law.

TASK 6 Basic theory of the origin of the state - it's ...

1. Historical School.

2. Class.

3. Agreed.

4. The conciliation.

5. patriarchal.

6. patrimonial.

TASK 7 signs of the state, distinguishing it from other organizations in modern society are:

1. The system of taxes and fees.

2. A State within its territorial boundaries act as the sole representative of all its citizens.

3. The territorial division of the population.

4. The State - an organization that has law enforcement agencies and the armed forces.

5. The State shall issue laws and other acts which have legal force.

JOB 8 Special methods of the theory of state and law - it's ...

1. dialectical materialist.

2. Cybernetic.

3. Formal Law.

4. Comparative legal.

5. The synergistic.

TASK 9 his subject theory of state and law is included in the block ...

1. Sectoral jurisprudence.

2. Historical and Theoretical Legal Sciences.

3. Applied Legal Sciences.

4. The science that studies the structure, organization, operation of government agencies.

5. Or, all of the above units.

JOB 10 Engels in "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State" singled out three major division of labor ...

JOB 11 factors determining the transition to a producing economy are
JOB 12 representatives contract theory of the origin of the state ...

1. Marx, Engels, Lenin.

2. Gumplowicz Kautsky, Dühring.

3. Rousseau, Locke, Hobbes.

4. Spencer Petrazhitsky.

5. St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Jacques Maritain.

ASSIGNMENT 13 The legitimacy of the authorities gives the ...

1. The habit of her citizens.

2. Fear.

3. Recognition of the rights of the servants to give them instructions and orders.

4. Recognition by a majority of its people.

JOB 14 Complete the following statement: "The government in a democracy is based on ...":

1. Military forces.

2. persuasion and coercion.

3. The legal rules of law.

4. political beliefs.

5. State ideology.

JOB 15 Complete the following statement: "The essence of the form of government is ...":

1. In whose hands is concentrated state power.

2. Whose interests public power is exercised.

3. What are the goals put in front of the top leaders of the state.

4. As power is distributed on the territory.

ASSIGNMENT 16 The political regime that is characterized by constitutionally and actual implementation of human rights and freedoms, equality of all citizens, the existence of a multi-party system and ideological pluralism, elected and subject to recall public authorities, the rule of law over the state, called ...

1. despotic.

2. Democratic.

3. Socialist.

4. Transitional.

JOB 17 Complete the following statement: "The form of government is one of the first and major elements ...":

1. Civil Society.

2. Political system.

3. State regulation.

4. geopolitical space.

5. Forms of government.

JOB 18 legal authority - a ...

1. The recognition of its majority.

2. The voluntary implementation of its orders.

3. Recognition of its ruling elite.

4. Securing its official legal acts.

5. The presence of coercion.

ASSIGNMENT 19 The theory of separation of powers has been established ...

1. Aristotle.

2. M. Padua, John. Locke and SH.L. Montesquieu.

3. The authors of "The Federalist."

4. Radischev.

5. All the above researchers.

TASK 20 From the standpoint of civilized approach, States may be the following types ...

1. The slave.

2. Antique.

3. Feudal.

4. Chinese.

5. Bourgeois.

6. Euro-American.

JOB 21 Modern forms of government - is ...

1. Monarchy.

2. despot.

3. The Republic.

4. The oligarchy.

5. watered.

ASSIGNMENT 22 The process by which the state power, or that its actions in the views of the majority of its citizens are justified, right, law, justice and so on. N., Is called ...

1. Legalization.

2. Emancipation.

3. Usurpation.

4. legitimation.

ASSIGNMENT 23 The structure of state power - is ...

1. The subject - right - subject.

2. Object - the objective side - the subject - the subjective side.

3. The subject - object - content.

4. Will the ruling classes (of people) - State authorities - legislation.

JOB 24 Social power - it's ...

ASSIGNMENT 25 Forms of social power ...

REFERENCE 26 Shape of the state includes ...

REFERENCE 27 Symptom corresponding state authorities, etc ...

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