Responses to test the Open Institute of Law are in word file for the program Unitest c letter T on the label.
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The questions in the test:
1. Computer - This
??mnogofunktsionalnoe electronic device for information
??ustroystvo for processing analog signals
??ustroystvo for storing information of any kind
??elektronnoe computing device for processing numbers
2. Performance of the computer (speed operations) depends on the
??razmera monitor screen
??napryazheniya supply
??bystroty keystrokes
??taktovoy CPU frequency
3. Processor clock speed - it
??chislo binary operations performed by a processor in unit time
??chislo possible appeals processor to memory at a time
??skorost exchange of information between the processor and I / O device
??kolichestvo cycles executed by the processor in unit time
4. Manipulator "mouse" - a device
??vvoda information
??schityvanie information
??modulyatsii and demodulation
??dlya connect the printer to the computer
5. A ROM is used for
??zapisi valuable applications
??hraneniya user program during operation
??hranenie programs boot the computer and test its units
??hraneniya constantly used programs
6. For long-term storage of information is
??magnitny drive
??operativnaya memory
7. Data storage on external media is different from the information stored in RAM
??tem that external media can be saved after turning off the computer
??obemom information storage
??sposobami access to stored information
??vozmozhnost information protection
8. During the execution of the application is stored
??v RAM
??v ROM
??v processor
??v VRAM
9. If you turn off the computer information is erased
??na magnetic disk
??na CD
??iz RAM
??iz ROM
10. The floppy disk drive - a device for
??dolgovremennogo information storage
??obrabotki commands executable program
??chteniya / write data to external media
??hraneniya commands executable program
11. To connect your computer to the telephone network used
12. The software assumes control of the computer
??dvoichnoe data encryption on your computer
??neobhodimost use the operating system for the synchronous operation of the hardware
??vypolnenie Series computer commands without user intervention
??ispolzovanie special formulas for the realization of the teams in the computer
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