After payment you will immediately receive the data from the Xbox 360 account.
Games: Borderlands; Supreme Commander 2; Dirt Showdown; Dungeon Siege III; Cold heart. Starfall: Snowballs; Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Metro 2033 Ray of Hope; Just Cause 2; Assassin´s Creed 4 Lego Lord of the Rings Bioshock Infinite ; RE Revelations 2; Episode 2: Contemplation; Episode 2: Judgment; Episode 4: Transformation; Ridge Racer Unbounded ; Saints Row 4 ; Dragon Age 2; Gotham City Impostors; Charlie Murder; Resident Evil Rev 1; Eternal Sonata; Peggle ; Sacred 3 ; Risen ; Battlestations Pacific; Plants vs Zombies ; Terraria ; Sniper Elite V2 ; brothers; Sanctum 2 ; SSX; How to Serve ; Bastion ; AirMech Arena; Viking; Super StreetFighter IV Arcade Edition; Dust: An Elysian Tail ; deadlight; DD: Dark Arisen; castlestorm; Faery: Legends of Avalon ; Dungeon Defenders ; Civilization Revolution; Batman Arkham City Toy Soldiers: Cold War DOOM; The Witcher 2 Lara Croft and the Guarian of Light ; Shoot Many Robots ; The Walking Dead; Iron Brigade; A World of Keflings ; RAW - Realms of Ancient War ; Askend Hand of Kul ; WSOP: FGull House Pro ; Magic 2013; Vandal Hearts: FoJ Spartacus Legends; Call of Juarez: Gunslinger ; Harms Way; COD Elite ; TC RainbowSix Vegas ; Happy Wars; hal
Before using|Purchasing a product - read the product description and additional information.
There is a list of general profile rules that you automatically agree to upon purchase:
• The profile is considered general and is intended only for downloading and running games, according to the instructions, and therefore it is forbidden to play on the general profile.
• Disseminate data to third parties, this also means exchange and sale, which is prohibited.
• Remember, you are making a purchase at your own discretion, there is no return under any circumstance, only a replacement is possible, after confirming the existence of your problem.
• Throughout the entire period of using the general profile, “departures” from the account are possible, in this case, claims are not accepted, due to the fact that the account is general and this is the principle of its operation.
There is a list of general profile conditions that you automatically agree to upon purchase:
• After payment, you will be given a password in the form of "jnvebkjsfvppyaeg" - 16 characters, in other words, in the form of an "application password" generated automatically OK from Microsoft. This password can only be used on the Xbox 360 console. It is not recommended to use on, with numerous attempts, the data will be automatically reset by Microsoft for protection purposes and you will have to update the data again - and for you this is an expectation.
* If you purchased an account, and they turned out to have incorrect data or after some time of use they changed, please inform the seller in order to obtain new ones. We cannot keep track and identify on which profile the data has flown. In this connection, the claim in the negative review "the data is incorrect" will not be accepted. The whole decision takes place only in a "correspondence with the seller" setting.
• This profile is for the Xbox 360 console ONLY. Please be careful.
• This profile is for use by persons from Russia only. By saying this, we mean the immediate location of the user on the territory of the Russia, regions that are recognized by Microsoft.
• If there is a license transfer, the data will be updated a few days before its appearance, and the one who bought the general profile, in turn, undertakes to wait for the sale. After the sale of the transfer of the license, the password will be sent at the request of the buyer in the correspondence.
* The sale will be carried out within a month, maybe in a few days, or maybe in a few weeks - it is not known.
* For periods of unavailability, the buyer´s warranty will be suspended and will be taken into account.