Content: Базы тематических форумов 1376 штук+бонус.zip (153.28 KB)
Uploaded: 20.05.2017

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Base of 1376 thematic forums (IT, SEO, Auto, Business, Poker, Sports, Building).

The base of forums for obtaining traffic, marketing crowds, placement of profile links, etc.

The base was collected on 05/19/2017.

Forums Russian-speaking + English forums for webmasters.

Package: 8 files of the .xlsx format.

The database contains the forum´s URL and the Title page. There are 1376 forums.

Forum base:

- IT (Hardware, OS, Computer Assistance, etc.) - 139 Russian-language forums

- SEO, Earning in the Internet - 93 forums

- Auto - 453 forums

- English-language forums for webmasters (SEO, development, design, earnings, advertising, etc.) - 67 forums

- Business (accounting, law, insurance, MLM, investments) - 181 forums

- Poker, casino, betting - 82 forums

- Sport (football, fitness, martial arts, yoga, bodybuilding, etc.) - 229 forums

- Construction, repair - 132 forums

Also, in the archive you will find a gift - a database of catalogs, bulletin boards and ratings. Only 1250 pieces. Present as Russian-language catalogs and boards, and English-speaking.
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