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According to the results of research by B. Zeygarnik, unfinished action and painful schizophrenia worse
reminiscent of the consequences ...
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hypochondriacal delirium
mental slippage
lack of motivation
paralogy of thinking

In case of opposites of the brain, different genes have a psychological experiment more often than not
reveals ...
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decreased memory and
fluctuations in mental performance
violations that are combined, as a rule, with an adequate attitude to the situation of the study as a whole, interest in
the praise of the experimenter
lack of an adequate "interested" attitude towards research
specific disturbance of purposefulness of thinking

Totality of sickness, excrement and deductions, related to the recognition of the patient,
distorted reflective activities and not compliant from the outside - this is ...
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Patients with schizophrenia, when experimentally investigated, find a complex of impairments
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exhaustion of mental activity
decreased mental performance
specific disturbance of purposefulness of thinking
changes in the motivational component of mental activity (diversity of thinking, resonance)
generalization process distortion
significant memory impairment

A-G, B-F, C-H, D-E

If you are sick with a dynamic memory impairment, keep in mind 10 words (ten
presentations) and depict the number of words in the form of a red line, so the last one will be worn ...
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directly waning
right up

The memory loss, when the sick suddenly forget the names of any notions, occurrences, and after a short while they are remembered, are called ...
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senile sclerosis
amnestic retreats in speech

Btypytypy nonsense is included ...
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time of occurrence

Depenalization is a phenomenon characteristic of ...
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MDP (manic-depressive psychosis)

For changes in personality with epilepsy, a characteristic is ...
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fast monotonous speech
front politeness
inertia of the motivational sphere

In cases where a painful person can interpret the whole situation as an experience that is good for him, he is very helpful, so much more than a little ...
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ignore it
stop research immediately
say that the study must be carried out necessarily
wait for the patient to calm down
gently and tactfully calm the patient

To practical tasks of the pathology of psychology ...
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participation in rehabilitation work
participation in the pharmacological treatment of the patient
study of the dynamics of mental disorders in connection with the therapy
receiving diagnostic data

Principle Adopted at B.M. School Ankylosing spondylitis, which has become a tradition of the descriptive psychology, is a principle
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humane treatment of patients
a qualitative analysis of mental disorders
analytical approach to solving psychology problems
quantitative analysis of mental disorders

It is true that in a practical task a psychologist in a psychiatric clinic comes in ...
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assessment of the dynamics of mental disorders and assessment of the effectiveness of therapy
expert practice
clinical syndrome description
rehabilitation and psychocorrectional work
recognition and differential diagnosis of mental illness
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