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The right government organization is a political organization, ...
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law enforcement
implementing the rule of law
restricting human freedom

Civil Society is ...
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a system of independent and state-independent public institutions and relations
the dominance of private ownership of the means of production and the resulting rights
set of legal norms that enshrines the rights, freedoms and duties of an individual (citizen, foreigner, stateless person)
relation to society and the state
the reality of individual rights, ensuring its free development, the unity of rights and obligations, the mutual responsibility of the state and

To the basic legal forms of activity of the mechanism, the hospitals are subject to ...
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activities of political organizations
lawmaking, law enforcement and law enforcement
principles of organization and activities of the state apparatus
organizational form of activity of the state apparatus

Subject to study of the theory of hocidistry and the law are ...
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are common

The gokidapstvenny gang - this ...
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legally formalized, organizationally and economically structurally separate link of the state apparatus, endowed
state authority
part of the state mechanism, which is a set of organizations endowed with power to implement
state power
a structure formed by the state that has the necessary resources and unites people who fully and comprehensively implement
state program based on state rules and procedures

The philosophical basis of the theory of the right-wing government, the central office in which takes personal, human, ego
freedom, developed ...
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B. Spinoza
B.N. Chicherin
G.F. Shershenevich
I. Kant

According to the form of state-owned industry, the Russian Federation is ...
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commonwealth of states
symmetrical federation
asymmetric federation
unitary state with autonomies

Theological theory is based on the idea ...
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the emergence and functioning of a state with a certain biological organism
the emergence of the state as a result of wars and forced subjugation by some people of others
the origin of the state as a result of an agreement (contract) as an act of a reasonable will of people
divine creation of the state in order to realize the common good

With ... the entire monopoly is fully owned by the monarch, the constitution and membership are open, shared
do not have
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The property of the state, expressed in independence, the degree of independence and independence of the state, is ...
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legal personality
The citizen’s right is ...
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natural opportunities that ensure his life, dignity and freedom of activity in various life spheres
the measure of his legally possible behavior, protected by law, aimed at satisfying the interests of man
belonging of this person to a certain state
his rights, on which the state and society should be guided, to provide them as much as possible and to protect in every possible way
certain properties and characteristics of the personality’s being, which are necessary ways and conditions of its life in relation to each other
friend of participants in public relations in various spheres of life, minimally guaranteed by the state

The main typology of government in the framework of a civilizational approach is ... factors
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material production ...
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