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The main part of the natural environment, which differs from the products of a human being by the actual nature of its occurrence, is called ...
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production facility
component of the natural environment
cultural object

Ecological human rights will be obtained ...
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upon reaching 18 years
from the moment of birth
upon reaching 14 years

Totality of legal rules governing the general relations in the area of ​​the use and protection of water objects, it is a matter of safety ...
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water easement
water right
ownership of water bodies

Winning the announcement of the administration of the employee for the lack of labor (the impact of the loss of the employee´s welfare) is on the account ...
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civil law

The main legislative act in the area of ​​environmental law is ...
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Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population”
Federal Law "On Environmental Protection"
Land Code of the Russian Federation

An object created by a person to ensure its social needs and not possessing the properties of natural objects, got the name "..."
Check the correct answer:
natural anthropogenic object
anthropogenic object

Beschectvo or cmec veschectv, kolichectvo and (or) kontsentpatsiya kotopyh ppevyshayut yctanovlennye for himicheckih veschectv in tom padioaktivnyh chicle, and other veschectv mikpoopganizmov nopmativy and okazyvayut negativnoe vozdeyctvie nA okpyzhayuschyyu cpedy, polychili nazvanie "..."
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consumption waste
waste production

In accordance with environmental law, there is a general relationship in the area of ​​cooperation ...
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man and nature
society and man
employee and employer

Observation of environmental conditions, collection, general information, evaluation and transmission of information about live or expected food
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environmental monitoring
environmental control
environmental impact assessment

The choice of the food, expressed in the course of the referencing, is relative to some kind of document, which affects the eco-friendly, it is eco-friendly ...
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material source
formal source

To the basic (constitutional) environmental regulations, the following rights are contained in Article 42 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: ...
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everyone´s right to a favorable environment; the right to reliable environmental information
everyone´s right to a favorable environment; the right to reliable information about the state of the environment; right to redress,
caused to health or property by an environmental offense
the right to reliable information about the state of the environment; right to compensation for damage to health or property
environmental offense

Promotional and indefinite rights of the individual, ensuring the satisfaction of the various recipients, in particular, -
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A range of accessories and rules governing the activities of physical and legal persons using a consumer,
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municipal ownership of natural resources
private ownership of natural resources
nature management

The environment, the parameters of which are approved for the protection of human life and health, healthy and healthy ...
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