Content: The World Bank.rar (34.68 KB)
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Following the devastation of World War II, in 1944 the representatives of 44 governments met in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in the United States to develop a strategy for rebuilding the international economy. A key outcome of the meeting was the creation of the International Bank for Recon-struction and Development (IBRD), which would become known as the “world bank,” and the International Monetary Fund. Its loans helped European coun-tries rebuild after World War II. That made it the world´s first multilateral de-velopment bank [].

Taking advantage of the latest technology, the World Bank helped to set up the African Virtual University (AVU), an interactive instructional telecom-munications network established to serve the countries of Africa. Originally started as a World Bank project, the AVU has been transformed into an inde-pendent intergovernmental organization based in Nairobi, Kenya, with 34 learning centers in 17 African countries. The World Bank continues to be its largest backer, with commitments of $13 million over three years. So far, the AVU has created a network of partner institutions across Africa, with learning centers hosted mainly in public universities. It launched an accredited degree and diploma in computer science.
These are the least of the projects and examples.
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