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The theme of Dignity and Deficiencies of Personal Branding by the example of the public opinion leader
AP 70
In today´s conditions the strengthening of internal and external competition on the international and Russian markets forces to look for new mechanisms and levers of influence on the consumer in order to influence their purchasing decisions, to build long-term relationships, and also to win their loyalty and trust. One of the most progressive methods is branding - activities to develop a product brand, promote it on the market, monitor its compliance with market requirements, as well as to create long-term preferences of consumers to the brand.
Against the background of constantly growing competition in the market, branding is becoming very important in business. Branding has moved to the modern stage of development, where promotion strategies in social networks are built not to emphasize the merits of a product or company, but to touch the heart of the consumer, to evoke positive emotions, to win real affection, to form trust in the brand, friendly relations, warmth and loyalty.
This theme is interesting, captivating with its novelty and lack of research, which confirms its relevance.
The aim of the work is to study the advantages and disadvantages of personal branding on the example of the public opinion leader.
- to study the essence and content of the branding process;
- to consider the features of brand promotion in social networks;
- to describe the measurement of brand reputation in social media;
- analyze the personal brand of the opinion leader in Instagram;
- to conduct a study of the features of working with Instagram account.
The object of research is branding.
The subject of research - personal branding on the example of the public opinion leader.
Fundamental and applied developments of foreign and domestic scientists in the sphere of branding and development of brand strategies are taken as a theoretical and methodological basis of work. The researches of such authors as: A. Badiin, I. Gogokhia, T. Dmitrenko, D. Ignatyev, A. Beketov, V. Musician, M. Saburova, E. Yakushina, Y. Elwood, Barnes C, Consoli D. and others were considered.
In the course of writing, the following tasks were completed:
- The essence and content of the branding process was studied;
- features of brand promotion in social networks were considered;
- the measurement of brand reputation in social media was described;
- the personal brand of the opinion leader in Instagram was analyzed;
- the peculiarities of working with Instagram-account were studied.
In conclusion, let us note the main conclusions on the work done.
The study of theoretical aspects of branding allowed us to formulate the following conclusions.
Successful branding is a successful combination of the spirit of time with the essence and philosophy of the product.
There are 3 main trends in branding in 2018: openness, live-video and style of 80s.
Video content is a trend in 2018 and the past 3-4 years. But now the format of the content consumed by users and how they view it has changed. People are interested in real life stories. It´s better to shoot a video right now in production or during the discussion of a new collection and send it to a social network without editing, than to create a long polished video. It is necessary to show the process of making a product or preparing to provide a service. This is especially important when advertising is focused on quality or naturalness.
The tasks of promoting any brand in social networks are:
- bring your product to the market;
- to get feedback from customers;
- to increase loyalty and popularity.
- stimulate sales;
- increase traffic to a website or other landing page, for example, on another social network;
- counteract the negative.

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