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Business value assessment (Synergy test answers) 70 points 30 questions

To determine the value of the residual value, the formula "..."
The residual value of the assets of the enterprise minus the costs of liquidation minus the liabilities
the amount of the liquidation value of the assets of the enterprise
the liquidation value of the assets of the enterprise minus the costs of liquidation

When deciding on the cost of an investment project, the appraiser will primarily use the results of ... the approach

In the case of choosing analogs among Western companies, it is necessary to carry out the procedure with the reporting of the assessed company ...
Inflationary adjustment

The residual value for a going concern is calculated ...
using the Gordon model
using the prospective sale method
by net asset value
at residual value

In the case of choosing analogs among Western companies, it is necessary to carry out the procedure with the reporting of the assessed company ...
Inflationary adjustment

The purpose of the appraisal object may be ...
Making management decisions
Decision of the authorized body
Determination of market value
Purchase and sale

The main disadvantage of the cost-based approach to business valuation is ...
his speculation
lack of consideration of business development prospects
lack of reliable information about the object of assessment

The risk due to factors of the internal environment is called ...

The task of assessing the value of an enterprise can be ...
determination of residual value
determination of investment value
determination of market value

"..." is a required section in a business valuation report
Assumptions and Limitations
Information about the CEO of the appraisal company
Transmittal letter

When assessing the value of the business of a joint stock company, the object of assessment will be ...
property complex of a limited liability company;
ownership of a share in the authorized capital of a limited liability company;
block of shares of the joint stock company.

If it is known that the carrying amount of the entity´s cash at the valuation date is CU50,000 and the receivable is CU450,000 (12% is uncollectible), the market value of the property at the valuation date is CU8,400,000. , machinery and equipment - CU13,520,000, inventories - CU3,890,000, financial assets - CU785,000, and the value of liabilities was CU22,760,000, then the value of the enterprise, determined by the costly approach is ...

As part of assessing the value of a business for its sale, the appraiser estimates ... the cost

To determine the value of a freely realizable minority stake (the value of a non-controlling stake in highly liquid shares), it is necessary ... a discount for non-controlling nature
add to the cost of the controlling stake
control stake divided by
deduct from the value of the controlling interest

In assessing the value of an enterprise, there are ... risks
property and non-property
Financial and commercial
systematic and non-systematic
economic and property

The method is based on the expectation principle ...
accumulation of net assets

It is customary for a business valuation report to provide an overview of macroeconomics ...
Region and industry
Countries, regions and industries

The criterion "..." is the main one when choosing analogous companies in the comparative approach
development strategy
similar industry
and geographic location
company size
similar products

In accordance with the principle ... a subject of assessment that does not meet market requirements is likely to be assessed below average
Reporting normalization is carried out in order to ...
Definitions of income and expenses specific to a normally operating business
Bringing it to uniform accounting standards
Streamlining accounting statements

For the purpose of evaluating accounts receivable, a specialist should study ...
Help from the accounting department on the composition and timing of the occurrence and repayment of receivables
Contracts with buyers and customers
Agreements with credit institutions

The appraiser shall indicate the date of appraisal of the object in the appraisal report, guided by the principle ...
Price changes
Limiting performance

Market value can be expressed ...
In monetary units
In monetary terms
Combined with cash and illiquid securities

To determine the value of a non-controlling stake in low-liquid shares at a known value of 100% of the stake at the control level, it is necessary ...
deduct a discount for low liquidity
deduct the non-controlling interest
deduct discounts for non-controlling nature and low liquidity
add bonus for control character

The date of the assessment in the assignment for assessment, in accordance with the normative documents in the field of valuation activity, must necessarily coincide with the date ... in the assessment report
compiling an assessment report
determining the value

Using the ... method, you can determine the value of a minority stake
Capital market

The discount rate is ...
Expected rate of return on alternative investment options
Current rate of return for alternative investment options
Coefficient that brings the present value of money to their future value

It is not true that ... is the standard of value according to the Federal Valuation Standard
value of a going concern
investment value
market value

Restructuring as part of an investment strategy directly impacts ...
on the financial structure of the company´s capital
by the amount of net profit
by the amount of capital investments

When the growth rate of an enterprise is moderate and predictable, the method is used ...
capitalization of income
net assets of industry ratios
discounted cash flows

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