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Conflictology answers Synergy (Tests 100 points) 30 questions assessment Excellent

Errors in soft and hard confrontation include ...
departure from the topic
quick reconciliation
oncoming, stronger conflicts

Constructive conflict at work is based on
objective reasons
subjective reasons
wrong actions of the leader
wrong actions of the manager or subordinates

"Reporting an incident" in a controlled conflict is
audio recording of the incident
video recording of the incident
a more complete description of the situation with an assessment of what happened from the victim
brief description of the facts of the situation

The characteristics of the "cold world" include ...
fulfillment of obligations
tactful help
compliance with etiquette
no negative ratings

Conflicts at work are caused by ...
wages below the industry average
work schedule that does not coincide with the spouse´s work schedule
low discipline
having conflicting goals

A compromise strategy in conflict management involves ...
reaching consensus when the parties fully satisfy their interests
reaching agreements under which the contradiction that has arisen is temporarily removed in case of mutual concessions
striving to achieve the satisfaction of YOUR interests to the detriment of another, and in case of resistance - fixing the achieved result
lack of tendency for one of the partners or all parties to achieve their own goals

To resolve a non-random conflict ...
it is necessary to eliminate the conflict in the situation and to exhaust the conflict
it is necessary either to eliminate the conflict situation, or to exhaust the conflict
you can only eliminate the conflict situation
you can only exhaust the conflict

The reasons for the conflict are ...
inability to make responsible decisions
excess of information
forced situation
occurrence of obligations

It is not true that the negotiation functions include ... the function

When negotiating with representatives of other cultures, special must be paid ...
organizational skills of the party preparing the negotiations
peculiarities of culture, mentality of opponents
previous experience of negotiations with representatives of this culture
the size of losses and insurance of RISKS in case the negotiations are unsuccessful

Among the principles that it is desirable to be guided by in the negotiations -
separate people from the problem
force an opponent to seek solutions
discuss an opponent´s actions
do not evaluate people

Family conflicts are often associated with ...
disappointment in a partner
intolerance of the spouse´s habits
the number of children from a previous marriage of one of the partners
work schedules of one of the partners

Background factors during manipulative influence
soften the effect of exposure
enhance the effect of exposure
help the initiator to influence

The first stage of negotiations is ... negotiations
defining goals
determination of the budget
selection of the venue
arena search

Negotiation technique "fogging" involves ...
partial disagreement with the words of the opponent
complete disagreement with the words of the opponent
partial agreement with the words of the opponent
reframing what the opponent said with subsequent consent

How a person responds to conflict situations is ...
confrontation, accommodation., compromise, avoidance and cooperation
confrontation, competition, avoidance .. cooperation and avoidance
compromise, cooperation, avoidance, confrontation and win-win
compromise, partial concession, avoidance, accommodation and win-win

A two-dimensional model for diagnosing personality behavior in a conflict situation was proposed by
K. Thomas
A.P. Egides
Z.P. Sheinov
AND I. Antsupov

The characteristics of the "warm world" include ...
compliance with etiquette
positive and negative scenes
doing more than expect
By the law of compatibility ...
innate qualities of partners are mainly contrasting
innate qualities of partners are predominantly similar
the acquired qualities of partners are mostly contrasting
acquired qualities of partners are predominantly similar

Negotiation is aimed at reaching an agreement in a situation where you and the other side have common interests, but at the same time there are opposite
way of communication
method of conflict interaction
conflict resolution mechanism

The functions of a mediator in resolving a conflict include ...
defining the rules of conduct in the negotiation process
demonstration to the parties of the true interests behind the positions
validation of proposals
consultation on negotiation skills

To resolve interpersonal conflict, it is necessary ...
be able to defend your point of view
formulate the reason for the contradiction in a gentle and streamlined manner
recognize each other´s rights
look for a general solution

The properties of the conflict include ...
opposition of objects of conflict
negative emotions
closed nature of action

The constructive ultimatum contains ...
positive sanctions
negative sanction suggestion
factual description of the situation
description of emotions

Self-esteem of a person according to the "please others" type is formed through ...
example of parents
parental orders to do their will
positive reinforcement of the child´s actions when he helps the parents
requirements of the first teacher

The manipulation structure contains ...
target of impact, target and initiator of impact
target, target and background factors
initiator of influence, target, target and addressee of influence

The negotiation technique "approaching the deer" means ...
more attentive study of the contract by all responsible employees of your company, the song of its signing during negotiations
clarification with additional questions of everything that is not obvious, in the process of negotiations and before they start
negotiating on the opponent´s territory
secret introduction of an employee into the environment of an opponent 3-6 months before the expected start of negotiations

There are no conflicts in the classification
intrapersonal conflicts
random conflicts
intergroup conflicts
type E conflicts

It is not true. That ... can be attributed to the methods of preventing conflict communication
rejection of conflicts
preserving personal boundaries
structural changes in the organization

Identifying YOUR weaknesses in preparation for commercial negotiations means ...
make a list of all bottlenecks in your proposal when negotiating with similar opponents over the past 3 years
brainstorm the negative factors of your proposal for all companies -
potential partners in the market
assume the emergence of risks from a possible breakdown of negotiations
analyze the interests of the opponent and his factors of strength in relation to you
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