Content: Ответы Физическая культура и спорт.pdf (147.50 KB)
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Physical culture and sports E1 Synergy Tests (COLLECTION OF ANSWERS)
Result 97 out of 100 (rating Excellent)

1. At the Games of the I Olympiad, athletes won the largest number of medals ...

2. In Athens after 7 years old girl ...

3. Financial support for the implementation of the Program "Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for 2016–2020" is supposed to be carried out at the expense of ...

4. It is not true that the principles of physical education of J. Demeny include the principle that ...

5. The greatest number of medals at the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad in Athens was won by the team ...

6. The number of citizens of the Russian Federation who systematically go in for physical culture and sports, during the implementation of the activities of the Program "Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for 2016–2020" is planned to increase to ...

7. In 1943, the government decided to create a sports society "...", which improved sports work among students of vocational schools and colleges

8. At the beginning ... there is a systematic expansion of the program of the Games of the Olympics

9. In order to improve the level of development of the physical qualities of employees of people, ... schools were created for the preparation and selection of temple dancers and acrobats

10. It is not true that in the 1970s and the first half of the 1980s. in physical culture movement the practical activity of physical culture organizations was assessed by ...

11. For military physical training in the curricula of grades 1 and 2 was allocated to ... in

12. Until 1990, the sports organizations of the trade unions had a total of ... all sports facilities in Russia

13. In ... "Instructions and program for teaching gymnastics in men´s educational institutions and in the army" was published

14. In ... among the common people there were favorite physical exercises, which include wrestling and fistfights

15. Strongly opposed the noble education system of the second half of the eighteenth century. ...

16. The share of students who systematically go in for physical culture and sports in the total number of this category of the population of the Russian Federation reached in 2012 ...

17. The French gymnastics system is created ...

18. The US National Baseball Federation was created in ...

19. The National Olympic Committee (NOC) of the Democratic People´s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has been recognized by the International Olympic Committee in ...

20. The scheme of a lesson for an elementary school according to the program of physical education from 1927 consisted of ...

21. The foundation for the work ... was ancient gymnastics, knightly arts, children´s outdoor games, folk games of the rural population and the art of acrobats

22. ... created a two-volume work "Experience of the encyclopedia of physical exercises", in which he divided all exercises into active and

23. The concept ... was based on the fact that physical education should be based exclusively on knowledge confirmed by anatomy and biology

24. B… included various ritual exercises and dances for the development of plasticity and grace, the formation of posture, beautiful body shapes, beautiful body movements, usually performed to music

25. ... in his writings he wrote that physical education should contribute to the healing and hardening of the body

26. In ancient Rome… gymnastic traditions were completely forgotten and became elements

27. The sixth chapter of the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" refers to ...

28. The first serious follower of the Olympic sports in Ancient Greece is considered ...

29. At the first stage of the implementation of the Program "Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for 2016-2020" it is planned ...

30. The turnkunst invented the system of physical e
34. The theory of excessive biological energy was put forward by ...

35. ... compiled "A Brief Manual, selected from the best authors with some physical notes on the upbringing of children from birth to youth", in which for the first time in Russian, the rules of physical education were set out in detail and systematically

36. ... used the anatomical principle of exercise classification

37. The Russian Olympic Committee was created in ...

38. In the Kiev feudal state, starting from ... in the princely and boyar houses there are special persons for the upbringing and education of children

39. The Sokol movement is associated with activities ...

40. Activities of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1926-1927. was aimed at ...

41. It is not true that, according to one of the main provisions of the theory of P.F. Lesgaft, ...

42. In ... the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" was adopted

43. In ... Russia for the first time with a full team officially performed at the Olympic Games in Stockholm

44. Under Catherine II, physical development was influenced by the system of physical education ...

45. Values ​​... of 16 target indicators of the Program "Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for 2006-2015." in 2012 not achieved

46. ​​Moscow stadium "Dynamo" entered into operation in ...

47. It is proposed to implement the Program "Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for 2016–2020" in ...
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