Content: Психологическая служба в детском саду.pdf (217.62 KB)
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Answers Psychological service in kindergarten Synergy tests. Result Excellent 90/100 points

The terms are used synonymously with mental deprivation

In a preschool institution, they use ... conversation
only debatable
only free
both free and prescriptive

More relevant, the direction of the psychological service is focused on solving urgent problems, namely: ...
difficulties in raising and teaching children
development of the individuality of each child
deviations in behavior., communication, personality formation of children
assistance to children, educators, teachers, parents

The main issue that is being addressed by the promising direction of the psychological service is ...
difficulties B raising and teaching children
development of the individuality of each child
deviations in behavior, communication, personality formation of children
assistance to children, educators, teachers, parents

According to the classification of psychological tools (according to T. D. Martsinkovskaya), non-specific tools include ...
incentive material
technical material
interpretation tools

The purpose of use ... is to measure the level of development of a certain psychological quality (property) of a person
analysis of products of children´s creativity

The psychological laboratory at the University of Hamburg, which conducted research on the mental development of children, was founded ...
Ernst Meiman
By Granville Stanley Hall
Edward Clalared
James Selly

The essence of the idea of ​​pedocentrism underlying pedology is that ...
the child is the center of research interests of many professionals (psychologists, educators, biologists, pediatricians, anthropologists, sociologists, etc.); from all areas pedology includes a part related to children
the child is the center of research interests of educators and pediatricians, these two professional areas constitute the core of pedology
the child is the center of research interests of psychologists, anthropologists and sociologists, and these professional fields do not exist independently, but are part of pedology
the child is the center of research interests only of teachers, while pedology has not brought anything new, almost everything has been borrowed from pedagogy

The term "test", like the test tests themselves, developed by Galton, became widely used in psychology after the publication of the article ... "Mental Tests and Measurements" (1890)
James Cattell
Edward Claparede
Jean Piaget
James Selly

The method of psychological diagnostics, consisting in the deliberate and purposeful perception of mental phenomena in order to study their specific changes under certain conditions, is ...

The state of mental health in medical science is explained by ... children
conditions of psychosocial development
physical health
psychological state
social adaptability

The author of the theory of critical periods of child development is ...
A.A. Bodalev
B.O. Lomov
A.M. Matyushkin
L.S. Vygotsky

Practical child psychology began to develop intensively in Russia in ...
the middle of the XIX century.
early XX century.
the middle of the XX century.
late XX century.

Promoting the mental, psychophysical and personal development of children at all age levels of preschool and school childhood is the main ... psychological education service

... expressed the idea of ​​creating practical child psychology, combining the requirements of pedagogical practice with the achievements of contemporary biology and psychology
Granville Stanley Hall
Lewis Madison Theremin
James Selly
Louis Leon Thurstone

The idea of ​​dividing child psychology into applied and theoretical, since they have a different range of studied problems, belongs to ...
Ernst Meiman
Green Villa Ste nl and Hall
The type of documentation, which is a set of documents that determine the standards and norms of the professional activity of a psychologist in the education system, is ... documentation
organizational and methodological

The diagnostic method for obtaining socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical information based on verbal communication is called ...

The main goal of the psychological education service is ...
ensuring the mental and psychological health of children of preschool and school age
control of the psychological state of children
promoting the socialization of difficult children in preschool educational institutions
psychological counseling for parents

The list of normative documentation of a practical psychologist of a preschool institution includes: ...
law of the Russian Federation on education
internal labor regulations
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
staffing table
Regulation on psychological service in the education system
Practical Psychologist Regulations
calendar plan of educational activities
qualification characteristics of a practical educational psychologist (job description and specialist standard)
Regulations on the certification of an educational psychologist with the corresponding appendix

In Russian psychology, preschool childhood is considered to be the period ...
from three to seven years
from four to seven years
from two to six years
from three to five years

The Psychological Education Service Center consists of two main departments such as ...
parent help department
individual assistance department
Department of Help for Difficult Children
department of psychological support of educational institutions

According to the classification of psychological tools (according to T. D. Martsinkovskaya), interpretational tools include ...
balls and toys for gender differentiation
volumetric geometric shapes
scales, tables, graphs, profiles
colored pencils, markers

The stage in the lexical development of the child, during which the child masters declensions, conjugations of verbs and the regulatory function of speech is formed in him (the use of speech to regulate his own behavior), covers the period ...
from year to year and 10 months
from one year and 10 months to three years
from three to seven years

The stage in the lexical development of the child, during which the child masters declensions, conjugations of verbs and the regulatory function of speech is formed in him (the use of speech to regulate his own behavior), covers the period ...
from year to year and 10 months
from a year and 10 months to three years
from three to seven years

Research by James Selly has shown that in the process of mental development of children ...
the first associations are associations by similarity., then images of objects based on associations by contiguity are formed, and at the end of the second year of life, associations by contrast arise
the first associations are associations by contrast) ´, then associations by similarity arise, and at the end of the second year of life, images of objects are formed based on associations by contiguity
the first associations are associations by similarity and contrast) ´, and at the end of the second year of life, images of objects are formed based on associations by contiguity
the first associations are associations by contiguity, on the basis of which images of objects are formed, then associations by similarity arise, and at the end of the second year of life - associations by contrast

The special documentation includes:
psychological conclusions;
correction cards;
protocols of diagnostic examinations, correctional sessions, conversations, interviews, etc .;
maps (stories) of mental development;
psychological characteristics;
extracts from psychological reports and development maps.

The extreme form of psychological alienati
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