After payment you will instantly receive data from your Xbox 360 account.
Profile Play: Civilization Revolution / Batman Arkham City / Mortal Kombat / Max Payne 3 / Far Cry 3 / Resident Evil 6 / Sleeping Dogs / Dark Souls / Dead Island / Hitman Absolution / Saints Row 3 / Alan Wake / Super Streerfighter 4 Arcade Edition / AirMech Arena / Toy Soldiers Cold War / Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light / Shoot Many Robots / Ascend Had of Luk / Shoot Many Robots / Dust: An Elysian Tail / The Witcher 2.
Before using | buying a product - READ (with the description) MANDATORY.
Introductory information.
• After payment, you will be given a password in the form of "jnvebkjsfvppyaeg" - 16-digit characters, in other words, in the form of an "application password" created automatically from Microsoft. This password can only be used on the Xbox 360 console.
• This profile is ONLY for the Xbox 360 console. Be careful.
• This profile is intended for use by persons from Russia only. Saying this, I mean the direct location of the user, on the territory of the Russian Federation.
| If you have any doubts, before purchasing - check with our operators in the section (ask a question).
| If you have already purchased the product, please check for compliance before using and in which case inform the seller.
• Having used the product (activation of the license transfer), return or replacement under warranty will not be provided. If your problem is within the power of the seller´s decision, he will make an exception and go to the meeting.
• Remember, Xbox Live is the sole responsibility of Microsoft for non/proper operation. All accounts when using the [license transfer] functionality work without interruption, this is an officially implemented functionality from Microsoft.
• Profile data is provided only for the use of "license transfer" and downloads of your chosen games. Upon completion, the data will change.
* The data is provided for a period of 7 days, if during this time you do not have time to download the games, you always have the opportunity to inform the seller about the extension of the time.
After reading this agreement, you consent to the purchase and use of this profile for personal non-commercial purposes, this profile is intended only for familiarization with the full versions of the games.