Indicate the correct answer(s).
1. Among the modern types of subjects of the Russian Federation there are no:
A. Guberniy;
B. Cities of federal significance;
B. Autonomous regions;
G. Republic.
2. Specify the correct sequence of the hierarchy of regions:
A. Kursk regionKurskTsChEREuropean zoneRussia;
B. Russia Kursk Kursk region TsChER European zone;
V. Kursk Kursk region TsChER European zone Russia;
Kursk, Kursk region, Central Chernozem region, Russia, European zone.
3. A sign of a change in the geopolitical position of the Kursk region is:
A. Economic crisis;
B. New status of the border region;
B. Transition from an administrative-planned economy to a market-type economy;
D. Reducing the migration mobility of the local population.
4. A region is ... (it is superfluous to note) A. a certain territory that differs from other territories in a number of ways and has some integrity, interconnectedness of its constituent elements; B. a certain part of the national economic complex of the country, distinguished by geographical conditions and natural resource specialization; C. an integral part of the territory, which is somewhat homogeneous in its basis, but does not have clear boundaries; G. an integral part of the territory, characterized by some homogeneity in its basis, with clear boundaries.
5. The Russian Federation includes: A. 88 subjects of the Federation; B. 89 subjects of the Federation; B. 99 subjects of the Federation; D. 85 subjects of the Federation.
6. The Russian Federation was built: A. on a national basis; B. mixed type; V. according to the national-territorial principle; G. on the administrative-territorial principle.
7. The system of regional management includes: A. the system of authorities and civil service; a set of functions of state bodies, methods and resources used to implement these functions; B. a system of federal and regional authorities, a system of relations between objects and subjects of management;
5 Mandatory tasks to complete
B. a system of federal and regional authorities, a set of functions of state bodies, methods and resources used to implement these functions, a system of public service, a system of relations between objects and subjects of management; D. the system of public service and the system of connections (direct and reverse) arising between objects and subjects of management.
8. Indirect methods of public administration include: A. creation of special funds for regional development; B. imposing sanctions on enterprises that pollute the environment; B. establishing preferential rental rates in the event of the withdrawal of space for the construction of enterprises; G. all of the above.
9. The organizational structure of regional management at the federal level consists of: A. Administration of the President of the Russian Federation; B. Government of the Russian Federation and its agencies and departments; B. Government of the Russian Federation and its agencies, departments and ministries; G. Industry departments, the Government of the Russian Federation and its departments, departments and ministries, the Presidential Administration.
10. Direct methods of public administration include: A. methods of tax policy; B. operations of the Central Bank with government bonds in the securities market; B. control over prices and tariffs; D. regulation of the interbank interest rate;
11. The long-term goals of regional development include: A. improving the living standards of the region´s population; B. increasing the level of employment in the region; B. small business development; D. attraction of new types of business.
12. Creation of favorable general conditions for the development of business activity in the region presupposes: A. availability of market infrastructure, land and corresponding rights to it, well-developed transport, communications, office facilities, etc.; B. reducing local taxes or providing cheap capital through loan instruments, subsi
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