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Answers Synergy. Settlement and cash operations of the bank. Handed over perfectly.

Non-cash payments are payments made in credit institutions by transfer from the payer´s account ...
to the beneficiary´s account, as well as by offsetting mutual claims
by offsetting mutual claims
to the recipient´s account

For settlement services between the bank and the client is ...
loan agreement
trust deed
bank account agreement
cash acceptance agreement

The process of continuous movement of funds in cash and non-cash form is ...
cash circulation
money turnover
payment turnover

Non-cash payments are carried out by legal entities and individuals through ...
regional depositories
cash settlement centers
street ATMs
commercial banks

The client has the right to terminate the agreement on settlement and cash services ...
only after the expiration of two years of the contract
only by mutual agreement of the parties
only after one year of the contract
Payment of the amounts of settlement documents from the correspondent account of a credit institution opened in the settlement division of the Bank of Russia is carried out ...
within the amount of the overdraft, if this condition is reflected in the Correspondent Account Agreement or additional. agreement to the Account Agreement,
concluded between the Bank of Russia and the credit institution it serves
within the limits of the availability of funds on the account at the beginning of the day, taking into account the amounts received on the account during the current working day
regardless of the account balance
The Executing Bank is obliged to notify the Issuing Bank of the placement of payment requests in the card file of settlement documents not paid on time no later than ... the day following the day the document was placed in the card file
tenth worker
third worker

A security containing an unconditional order from the owner to the bank to pay the amount indicated in it to the bearer is ...
payment request
A letter of credit that cannot be changed or canceled without the consent of the supplier in whose favor it was opened is considered ...

Acceptance by the bank for execution of settlement documents from a client - a legal entity in the absence of funds on his account ...
allowed in exceptional cases
not allowed

An individual has the right to carry out without opening an account ...
provision for accounting by a bank of a bill of a third party
keeping money in foreign currency
transfer of funds in foreign currency
keeping money in rubles
buy securities of the issuing bank
transfer of funds in rubles

... is a document for indisputable (acceptance-free) debiting of funds
Any executive document
Collection order with an attachment of a writ of execution (or without it)
Payment request paid without the Client´s acceptance
Payment order
Payment order

A legal entity in the territory of the Russian Federation may have ...
one checking account
unlimited number of current accounts
two current accounts - currency and ruble

It is not true that when opening a bank account ...
a certificate from the tax authority on the registration of the organization
personal data of the head of the organization are provided
a copy of the charter of the organization is provided
a card with samples of signatures and an imprint of the seal is provided

Rules, terms and standards for non-cash payments, coordination, regulation and licensing of the organization of settlement systems are established ...
registration chamber
commercial banks
Bank of Russia
clearing centers

Payments by checks between individuals ...
not allowed
allowed with the permission of the Bank of Russia
are allowed if the checks are nominal

When opening a current account, an agreement is concluded between the bank and the client ...
for settlement and cash se
It is not true that the principles of organizing cashless payments include ...
property liability of settlement participants
presence of an extensive branch network of the bank
security of payment
the fact that non-cash payments are made through bank accounts

It is not true that ... is a form of non-cash payments
letter of credit
payment order

In the announcement of the client´s cash contribution, it is necessary ...
indicate the number of the current account to which the funds should be credited
indicate the date of deposit of funds to the bank
indicate the amount of cash to be paid
put a signature (of the person handing over the money)
indicate the name of the client from whom the cash was received
From the point of view of the method of legitimizing the check holder (checking the authenticity of the check and the legality of its possession), there are

warrant check
bearer´s check
personal check

Accounts open...
organizations that receive funds from the budget
commercial organizations
branches and representative offices of legal entities
non-profit organizations
Restriction of the client´s rights to dispose of the funds on the account is allowed ...
when they are arrested
in case of violations by the client of the terms of the agreements revealed by the bank in his settlements with third parties
in case of suspension of operations on the account, provided for by law
with a sharp deterioration in the financial condition of the bank

The current account is opened…
commercial organizations - legal entities
ministries and departments
individuals - private entrepreneurs

When returning settlement documents from the card file of settlement documents not paid on time in case of account closure ...
all documents are returned to the payer
payment orders are returned to the payer
documents are placed in the Client´s legal file if there is no information about the location of the recipient of funds / claimant
settlement documents received by the bank in the order of collection settlements are returned to the recipients of funds / recoverers through
their bank

The number of digits in the current account number opened by the bank to the client is ...

It is not true that the settlement network of the Bank of Russia includes ...
cash settlement centers
interregional informatization centers (ICC)
territorial offices of the CBR
state commercial banks

The norms of the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 222-P for entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity ...
do not apply
apply in part of the general provisions reflected in the Regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 222-P

… operations are operations for receiving and issuing cash

Banks ... to create operating cash desks outside the cash center
They have no right to
have the right on the basis of the permission of the territorial tax inspectorate of the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia
they have a right
have the right on the basis of a special permission of the Bank of Russia

According to the degree of reliability, letters of credit can be ...
irrevocable, confirmed, uncovered and reserve

The advantage of a letter of credit form of payment is ...
fast turnover
ease of transaction
low overhead
providing a guarantee of payment for the product supplier

Acceptance or refusal of the payer to pay the payment request with acceptance is formalized ...
verbal refusal
application in the prescribed form "Application for acceptance / refusal of acceptance"
free form statement

When depositing cash in a bank, legal entities have the right to deposit cash ...
only to your account
to the account of any person without restrictions
to the account of an individual
to the account of the creditor

A structural subdivision of the Bank of Russia, opera
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