Content: Ответы Психология разватия. Тест Синергии.zip (117.69 KB)
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Developmental psychology (answers to the Synergy test) Score 80/100 points. After the purchase, you will receive a file with answers. The questions for the test are listed below.
The feeling of adulthood is manifested in adolescents in ...
imitating the outward signs of adulthood
desire to meet the requirements of parents
hypersensitivity to peer assessment
increased interest in one´s personality

At an early age, the leading activity is ...
intimate and personal communication with peers
subject-weapon activity
play activity
emotional and personal communication

The founder of the theory of social learning in psychology is ...
About E. Thorndike
N. Harris
A. Bandura
K. Koffka

The most important psychological neoformation of old age is

In the process of conducting scientific research, it should be borne in mind that developmental psychology and developmental psychology are ...
unified area of ​​scientific knowledge
area of ​​scientific knowledge of domestic psychology
area of ​​scientific knowledge of foreign psychology

... this is a method of recreating the psychological reality of various content (situations, states, roles, moods)

... is a certain experience that is carried out in special conditions in order to obtain psychological data through the intervention of a researcher in the process of activity

... is the subject of study in the behavioral approach

Longevity begins after ... years

The science that studies mature age periods and self-actualization of a person is ...
In two-factor psychological theories, human mental development is understood as the result of ...
interactions of innate structures and external influences
impact on the child of family and society
exposure to genetic and congenital factors

The psychological readiness of the child for school is ...
dominance of social and cognitive motives
complex education, which includes the necessary level of development of the intellectual, volitional and personal spheres of the child
a set of knowledge, skills and abilities
arbitrariness of behavior and the child´s ability to reflect

In the teachings of L. S. Vygotsky, innate properties are considered as ... the development of a child
When choosing friends, teenagers are more likely to focus on ...
the opinion of their parents
their personal qualities
their performance
their appearance
the opinion of their parents

... developed the theory of operant learning
A. Bandura
B. F. Skinner
E. Erickson
I. P. Pavlov
A. Bandura

The driving force in the biogenetic direction of child development research is ...
subject activity

In the theory of psychoanalysis, the subject of study is ...

Personality defense mechanisms (according to 3. Freud) are ...
ego id. identification
projection, identification, oedipal complex
sublimation, identification, association
regression, denial, projection

Depending on the idea of ​​the causes of the development of the psyche, there are ... strategies for the study of mental development
experimental and contrasting
stating and forming
analytical and modeling

L. S. Vygotsky assigned a key role in adolescence to development ... and considered it "the latest and highest of all perestroikas"

The neoplasm of the crisis of the first year of life is ...
revitalization complex

The method of psychological research, in which a specialist analyzes diary entries, archival materials, production documents, is called the method ...
expert assessments
product analysis
group personality assessment

E. Erickson focuses on the epigenetic approach to ...
child´s relationships with peers
child´s relationship with close adults
child´s instinctive drives
on intrapersonal conflicts of the child

A child begins to form an arbitrary memory between ... years
1 and Z
4 and 5

The science of the psychology of aging is...
The structure of the psyche, according to position 3. Freud, includes ...
Id. ego, superego
Self, Ego, Superego
Ego, Alter Ego, Super Ego

According to the theory ... "the child in the process of his development briefly repeats the path of the human race
cognitive development
convergence of two factors

The downside of the observation method is...
collecting data on natural human behavior
reflecting the context of the subject´s life
passivity, non-intervention of the researcher
perception of a person as a whole person

Types of play in children appear in the following sequence:
game with rules
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