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Synergy answers PSYCHOLOGY OF POWER TEST. Score 100/100 points

A known number of forces associated with the general process of nutrition, F. Nietzsche calls ...
According to ... the direction within the framework of the sociological approach adopted in political science, power is interpreted as achieving certain goals and obtaining the intended results
According to ... an approach in political science, power comes down to the political influence of one social group on another
According to the philosophical concept of power by B. Russell, ...
the will to power is the principle of life, growth and striving for dominance
each person is initially endowed with two related, but not identical passions * the desire for power and glory
and a person, and politics, and power can theoretically and practically exist in complete isolation from each other
According to the theory of power V.M. Kaitukov, inspired * introspective dictate ...
relies on personal suppression with a predominance of primitive physical suppression
based on physical suppression to the extreme with the introduction of sophisticated introspective methods
is based on physical suppression using powerful ethical/religious doctrines
based on the minimal development of the intellect of manufacturers to the detriment of technological progress with intensive suggestion of dogma
Russian psychologist, professor A.I. Yuriev considers power in the triangle of relations "... * politics * power"
According to ... the state arose on the basis of a social contract from a natural pre-state existence, when people lived disunitedly and were in a state of "war of all against all"
Comrade Hobbes
J. Locke
n. Machiavelli
The principles of power correlate with the elements of the general scientific pentabasis, in particular, the principles of effectiveness and adequacy correspond to the concept ...
... noted that for structuring and organizing large amounts of information, you can use the idea of ​​bases
V. A Ganzen
G. Lebon
n. Machiavelli
V.V. Mshvenieradze
According to the behaviorist direction, within the framework of the sociological approach adopted in political science, power ...
defined in terms of forms and methods of resolving political conflicts
interpreted as achieving certain goals and obtaining intended results
defined as the possibility of using certain means, including violence
regarded as a special kind of relationship between the ruler and the ruled
is a special type of behavior based on the possibility of changing the behavior of other people
The power of the organized over the unorganized * is ...
According to the theory of power V.M. Kaitukov, forced * power dictate is characteristic of ...
Fascism in Germany, Mao Zedong´s China, Revolutionary France, USSR under Stalin
Egypt at the time of the Oaraons
feudal systems of Europe, Japan, China
slavery of all times, serfdom in Russia

... the approach in political science explores power from the point of view of its perception by a person
... the approach in political science considers power as a natural state in society, predetermined by nature itself
Raytocracy *is power ...
writing over reading
organized over unorganized
having over not having
strong over weak
... believed that by striving for perfection, superiority and social power, the subject is trying to compensate for the lack of power due to his constitution, perceived as the insufficiency of his abilities and experienced as an inferiority complex
A. Adler
E. Ber
The separation of legislative, executive and federal powers in the state held ...
T. Hobbes
J. Locke
J.J. Rousseau
N. Machiavelli
... key areas of modern Western political philosophy consider and analyze the category of power
According to V.V. Mshvenieradze, there is power ...
symbolic medium of exchange and, like money, is subject to the laws of inflation and deflation
category of interpersonal relationships
the ability to turn certain resources into influence within the system despite the resistance of other actors
organized violence of one class to suppress another
control over resources that are significant for society through their possession with restrictions
E. Canetti draws a parallel with the actions of ...
According to the structuralist direction, within the framework of the sociological approach adopted in political science,
defined in terms of forms and methods of resolving political conflicts
interpreted as achieving certain goals and obtaining the intended
defined as the possibility of using certain means, including violence
regarded as a special kind of relationship between the ruler and the ruled
is a special type of behavior based on the possibility of changing the behavior of other people
According to F. Nietzsche, there are two types of pleasure * from ...
power and glory
struggle and victory
falling asleep and from victory
power and from saturation
The term "Machiavellianism" refers to a way of political behavior in which ...
power has a multilevel, multifaceted character
in order to achieve the set goals, any means are considered acceptable and acceptable
the active participation of the state in the sphere of economic life
the state takes an active part in the life of society,
According to Friedrich Nietzsche, the will to power is defined as...
pathetic struggle for existence
manifestation of dissatisfaction with the current government
embodiment of the will to live
the highest degree of diplomacy
striving for unity

Plutocracy is power...
writing over reading
organized over unorganized
having over not having
strong over weak
It is not true that the system of principles for the effectiveness of power includes ...
reality and validity
secrecy and understanding
trust and awareness
preservation and timeliness
legitimacy and support
... writes that sovereigns, when it comes to the loyalty and unity of their subjects, should not be afraid to be known as cruel, strong-willed, not afraid to use all possible means to achieve their goals
E. Canetti
S. Moskovichi
S. N. Parkinson
N. Machiavelli
... draws the inevitability of state power from the standpoint of the theory of natural law and the "social contract"
T. Hobbes
J. Locke
J.J. Rousseau
N. Machiavelli
V. Pareto suggested ...
model of "equilibrium of society"
theory of force to justify the origin of power
theory of natural law and the social contract
basis method
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