Content: Супервизия в деятельности психолога.zip (254.35 KB)
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Supervision in the activities of a psychologist > Final test Synergy 2023 Passed with 97/100 points Excellent result! Ready answers to 48 questions.
1. The technique of classical psychoanalysis includes three main procedures - production of material, analysis of material and ...
2. Balint groups are groups ...
3. In the development and functioning of the psychotherapeutic group, the main phases (according to Karvasarsky) are
4. The causes of neurosis in gestalt therapy are incomplete gestalts, unreacted gestalts, negative forms of psychological defenses, non-awareness of opposites and ...
5. The main therapeutic mechanism in behavioral psychotherapy
6. The psychotherapeutic process in the behavioral direction is characterized by
7. Difficulties in the work of the supervisor
8. Necessary conditions for supervising
9. What theory does the following statement belong to: “The fixation of a behavior model depends on the answer”
10. What theory does the following statement belong to: “Avoiding a frightening situation and imagining it can cause anxiety more intense than the real situation”
11. F. Perls in gestalt therapy considered the following as the main gestalts of personality:
12. Aspects of analysis in the therapeutic system
13. The contract with the supervisor is ...
14. Match the names of effective supervisory styles with their characteristics
A. Problem oriented.
B. Interpersonal-sensitive.
C. Prepossessing style.
D. Focus on a structured, focused and thorough approach to supervision. E. Interaction support, addressing needs in the supervisor-supervisee relationship.
F. Characterized by being warm, helpful, friendly, supportive, and open to the supervisee.
15. Match the names of ineffective supervisory styles with their characteristics
A. Amorphous style.
B. Non-supporting style.
C. Therapeutic style.
D. Is characterized by a lack of clarity about supervision and the expectations of the supervisee associated with it.
E. Characterized by coldness, aloofness, and sometimes hostility.
F. The supervisor tends to attribute the events in therapy to the supervisee´s personal problems.
16. The therapeutic system is...
17. Name the founder of cognitive therapy
18. The specific orientation model is ...
19. Functions of supervision (three correct answers)
20. Match the functions of supervision and their content
A. Estimated
B. Counselor
C. Supportive
D. Shaping
E. examination of the outcome and process of case management.
F. Investigation of questions the consultant has during and about his work.
G. Help with negative experiences with "difficult" clients.
H. Developing the supervisee´s skills, understanding and abilities.
21. The essence of the influence of the Gestalt therapist is to encourage the client to live:
22. Select the main provisions of the evolutionary model of supervision
23. Global rough ways of processing information are typical for
24. In modern neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), three global parts are distinguished - this is the collection of information, the transfer of the client from the current state to the desired one, and ...:
25. The classical conditioning scheme belongs to
26. According to E. Berne, the most favorable in terms of psychological health are:
27. Author of the theory of reciprocal inhibition
28. Functions of the supervisor as a consultant
29. Immersion (as the maintenance in the client of the desire of exactly what he is afraid of) refers to the methods:
30. The structure of the unconscious in the theory of Z. Freud includes libido, aggression, the subconscious, defense mechanisms and ...
31. The position of the psychotherapist in behavioral psychotherapy
32. The three main types of neuroses are:
33. Inadequate processing of information, in accordance with stable cognitive models based on experience or basic beliefs
34. Name the founder of rational-emotive therapy
35. Individual psychotherapy by A. Adler includes three main content components - helping the client to understand himself and his behavior, forming the client´s interest in society and ...
36. Supervision is ...
37. The basis of E. Bern´s therapy is to strengthen the role of the "Adult" in the structure of personality and ...:
38. Establish a correspondence between the concepts of protective mechanisms and their definitions
A. Displacement
B. Substitution
C. Intellectualization
D. Overcompensation
E. Active, motivated elimination of something from consciousness.
F. Unconscious reorientation of impulse or feeling with
original object to another
G. Unconscious desire to control emotions and impulses based on a rational interpretation of the situation.
H. Covering one´s own weaknesses by emphasizing strengths or overcoming frustration in one area by over-satisfaction in other areas.
39. Which of the components refers to the archetypes of the individual unconscious in the theory of K.G. Cabin boy:
40. A psychologically healthy, mature person in the theory of K. Rogers uses:
41. In the theory of C. Rogers, personality includes three main components - the true content of the personality ("real self"), a person´s idea of himself, his self and ...
42. Allport highlights the following traits inherent in a healthy personality
43. The main provisions in Allport´s concept of personality include the thesis:
44. In the structure of personality, according to Jung, there are all the following main components, except
45. The main provisions of Maslow´s concept of personality are all of the following except
46. Features of the psychotherapeutic work of the "meeting group" (K. Rogers) are to ...
47. Mark growth areas of the supervisee:
48. Check out the acceptable ways of presenting the case for supervision.
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