⚡After payment, you will instantly receive an original, licensed Razer Gold PIN gift card with a face value of 15 TL 🇹🇷Turkey - region and activate the balance of your Razer Gold account in Turkish Lira.
🌎 Region of use: Turkey/Turkey🇹🇷
💰 Currency - Lira (TL)
⌛Validity - Unlimited
🔥Razer Gold is a single virtual credit for gamers around the world. Use Razer Gold to purchase games and in-game content to get more bang for your buck, including Razer Silver rewards and exclusive game deals. You can purchase with Razer Gold on over 2,000 games and entertainment content. Get started with your Razer Gold purchase today. Every Razer Gold spend earns you Razer Silver, the only loyalty rewards program for gamers.
The code is suitable ONLY for the region Turkey!!!
The code is ONLY suitable for account currency Turkish Lira (TL)!
In some cases, you can get a set of codes for the desired denomination.
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