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Ready answers to the Basics of Profiling test.
Educational institution: SYNERGY, MY, MIT.
: fresh.
The result is 90-100 points (40+ questions and answers).
Below you can find questions on the Basics of Profiling test.

1. The myth of the enemy is...

18. Establish a correspondence between the means of communication and the amount of information transmitted:

A. Verbal means (words only)

B. Sounds (tone, timbre, intonation, non-speech sounds)

C. Non-verbal means

D. 7%

E. 38%

F. 55%

2. The purpose of terrorist actions may be... (indicate 2 answer options)

3. Common verbal cues... include an emphasis on time pressure

4. The purpose of the Vibralmage technology is to determine ... the state

5. Establish a correspondence between psychotypes and human qualities:

A. Epileptoid psychotype

B. Schizoid psychotype

C. Hysterical psychotype

D. Paranoid psychotype

E. weak, sedentary nervous system, weakened by organic changes, aggression,

desire to suppress an opponent, inability to manage information flows

F. behavior that provides the individual with a schematic representation of a given environment

G. mobile, fast, but weak nervous system, intermittent, unstable

performance, increased fatigue

H. strong but inactive nervous system, mild organic changes in the brain,

tendency to get stuck, tendency to lead, determination, energy

6. Legislative acts related to security were issued in the following order:

1 Air Code of the Russian Federation

2 Letter from the Federal Service for Supervision of Transport “Methodology for identifying

potentially dangerous passengers through a special survey during pre-flight

services (profile method)"

3 Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation “Aviation security requirements for airports: Federal

aviation rules"

4 Federal Law “On Transport Security”

7. Mandatory qualities of a profiler are... and observation

8. The profession of a profiler requires the ability to calculate... behavior

9. The profiling method is based on... approach

10. A profiler is a specialist in...

11. The direction at the origins of modern profiling is ... profiling

12. Awareness, perception, emotional assessment, experience of one’s belonging to an ethnic community is...

13. Application of profiling...

14. Testing the behavior (emotional state) of a person during his stay

15. Critical characteristics of a passenger in transport profiling include... (specify

3 answer options)

16. The terrorist attacks in Domodedovo, which became the starting point for the development of aviation

profiling in Russia, occurred in ... year

2. Establish a correspondence between the terrorist syndrome and its psychological


A. Kamikaze suicide syndrome

B. Zombie Syndrome

C. Rambo syndrome

D. the desire for overcompensation through self-sacrifice, subconscious recognition

own insolvency

E. hyper-combat readiness and pronounced hostility with a total image of the enemy, paranoid

constant striving for the most complex organized combat operations

F. a personality with a neurotic structure, torn apart by irresistible intrapsychic

conflict between the desire for thrills and disgust for one’s participation in them

17. Overcoming feelings of relaxation, complacency, carelessness and maintaining performance are components of the technique for increasing ... observation


18. Profiling is...

19. The assessment of criminal misrepresentation of information in the profile method is carried out first

just from an assessment standpoint...

20. Establish a correspondence between the degree of risk and the characteristics of the passenger:

A. Low risk

B. Ordinary risk

C. High risk

D. Very high risk

E. passengers with recorded positive symptoms

F. passengers for whom suspicious signs were discovered durin
G. passengers for whom suspicious signs were discovered during the inspection

H. passengers for whom critical symptoms have been recorded

21. Establish a correspondence between the type of features and their content:

A. Associated symptoms

B. Functional characteristics

C. Anatomical features

D. clothes, hairstyle, jewelry, tattoo

E. facial expressions, gestures, postures, gait, speech, intonation

F. gender, age, nationality, body type

22. Subtle changes in a person’s physiological state, non-verbal reactions,

reflecting the state of his psyche, thinking strategy, etc., is...

23. Access keys reflecting the dependence of eyeball movements on internal

processes of searching and retrieving information from long-term memory are called...

24. Speaking about profiling and psychological testing, it can be argued that...

25. Avoiding direct answers to questions with vagueness, broad concepts,

modifiers and qualifiers, ambiguous answers and statements are...

26. ... is a science that studies the reflection of human behavior in his non-verbal

manifestations, which include facial expressions, pantomimics, “vocal facial expressions”,

spatial pattern, expression, and which can be decisive in interpretation

spoken statements

27. Arrange in order of increasing importance the factors that need to be discussed

remember for the profiler during “tough negotiations”:

1. purpose of negotiations

2. arguments

3. information about the opponent

4. possible concessions

5. time factor

28. ... as a mechanism of mutual understanding is the subject’s understanding of by what means and why he made a particular impression on his communication partner

29. Ethnic identity is...

30. It is not true that individual voice characteristics include...

31. Use of knowledge about objects of professional observation and criticality

observations are components of the technique of increasing... observations

32. Establish a correspondence between the profiler’s activities and the type of profiling:

A. Support of business negotiations

B. Observation and questioning of passengers during pre-flight inspection

C. Support of business negotiations

D. criminal profiling

E. aviation profiling

F. commercial profiling

33. It is not true that a person’s speech model is determined by such a factor as...

34. A complex multifaceted process that includes not only exchange

verbal information, but also the entire process of perception and understanding of another person -

This …

35. A set of measures, plans and programs to ensure the protection of the facility from crime

of a terrorist nature is... defense

36. Establish a correspondence between the psychotype and basic human behavior:

A. Emotive psychotype

B. Schizoid psychotype

C. Hyperthymic psychotype

D. Paranoid psychotype

E. the desire to experience emotions and get rid of anxiety

F. survey - organization - systematization

G. readiness for action

H. disagreement

37. As signs indicating persons involved in criminal

activities are people like... (specify 3 answer options)

38. An individual captured and (or) held for the purpose of coercing the state,

organizations or individuals to take any action or refrain from

performing any action as a condition for the release of a detained person is...

39. The intimate distance when communicating is...

safe operation of the transport complex, resulting in harm to the life and health of people, material damage, or creating the threat of such consequences, is an act...
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