Содержимое: Ответы - Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности - СИНЕРГИЯ.docx (15.29 KB)
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Готовые ответы на тест Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности.
Учебное заведение: СИНЕРГИЯ, МОИ, МТИ.
Сдача: свежая.
Результат сдачи 95-100 баллов .
Внизу можно ознакомиться с вопросами по тесту Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности.

She will make an order if she ___ given the menu.

In many restaurants, the receiving clerk is also … .

An issue form is usually signed both by the steward and the individual who … them.

«Ice cream _______every day».

Banquets differ according to the … of the event.

Guest ______include parking, fitness room, two restaurants and a bar.

The … of guests at the table is determined by the protocol.

Still another form of foodservice is so called … .

Foodservice can be provided by an outside organization for a fixed fee or a percentage of the … .

There is a constant need of items such as cleaning supplies, kitchenware, dishes, glasses, … , napery and uniforms.

«There are _______ pancakes on the plate»

In smaller communities, the buyer may have to purchase from … merchants.

Many travelers want luxury, they want to feel_____

The largest and most important is … foods: these include meat, poultry, fish, fresh vegetables, etc.

Anoher category, which can be bought in bulk, consists of … foods.

The appetizers are served …..

These are chambermaids, ________, restaurant staff who usually receive tips.

All areas in the restaurant must be kept … clean.

The more stars, the higher the quality and the wider_________

The selection of a banquet hall is important, but does not play such a big role as at a buffet or banquet ….

_________is a meeting of members of a business or professional group, such as scientists, dentists, booksellers or language teachers.

The events may … from weddings to birthday parties.

Guests with children are sometimes provided with

The banqueting services bring large … to hotels and restaurants all year round.

The word …. means a list of dishes with prices served in the restaurant or café.

I would like ___ an order.

The simplest kind of catering involves preparation of a … food.

We ___ satisfy your needs at any moment.

Banquet waiters’ … are not paid by individual diners but are included as part of the fee.
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