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Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции тест Синергия>Итоговая аттестация, все ответы по темам 5-8. + Итоговый тест / Компетентностный тест результаты "Отлично" все вопросы теста указаны здесь: https://download.ru/files/xBIWVkf4
Тема 5. Law in Everyday Life. (Законы в повседневной жизни)
Тема 6. Human Rights. (Права человека.)
Тема 7. Constitution. (Конституция.)
Тема 8. Drugs - Death Danger (Наркотики.)
Итоговая аттестация
Meghan is an interior designer. A supplier installs a gondola incorrectly and it breaks a month later.
Who must fix the problem?
Common-law legal systems place great value on deciding cases according to consistent principled rules, so that similar facts will yield similar and predictable outcomes, and observance of precedent is the mechanism by which that goal is attained.
What is the guiding principle of Common-law legal systems? What is the idea behind?
Ben, who is 19 years old, applies for a job as a clerk in a goods store. The store manager is impressed with Ben´s speaking skills and says that he would like to hire him, subject to reference checks. Later, the manager calls Ben and says that he will not be hired. On checking his references with a former employer, the manager found out that Ben was convicted of careless driving.
Has the store manager violated Ben´s human rights by refusing to hire him?
Stacy and several of her friends play in a women´s hockey league at the skate rink. Quite frequently, the male rink attendants don’t give them their full allotted ice time. The attendants make jokes on the women. Stacy thinks that their rights are violated. She has even complained but the manager has done nothing and supported men.
Have the rink attendants violated the young women´s human rights?
Imagine that in 2024 you will be president of your country.
What branch will you represent? What will be your powers?
The constitution is the main legal act of the State. It lays down the formation of a system of society and establishes the state structure, the order and justification of the idea of representatives, executive and judicial authorities, the electoral system, the rights and obligations of the state, society and citizens.
Can it be argued that any constitution is the constitution of a state or society exclusively?
The defendant had voluntarily consumed drugs to calm his nerves. Under the influence of the drugs, he had started shooting in the cottage in which he had been living, but claimed to have been unable to remember anything after taking the drugs. The defendant was convicted of causing criminal damage being reckless as to whether life would be endangered, following the trial judge’s direction to the jury that self-induced intoxication was not available by way of defence to a basic intent crime. The defendant appealed.
What is the Court’s decision?
The defendant decided to kill his sister. He bought a knife and a bottle of strong alcohol which he drank to give himself “Dutch Courage”. Then he killed his sister. He subsequently claimed that he was so drunk that he did not know what he was doing, or possibly even that the drink had brought on a latent psychopathic state so that he was insane at the time of the killing.
What was the Court’s decision?
The term “civil law” derives from the …
‘Ius civile’ applied to … citizens
Legal scholars have adapted the principles of ancient Roman law in the Corpus … to contemporary needs
Under the influence of Roman law, medieval scholars of Catholic church law, or canon law, …
By the late Middle Ages civil and canon laws were taught at most universities and formed the basis of a shared body of … thought common to most of Europe
The birth and evolution of the medieval … law tradition based on Roman law was thus integral to European legal development
The role of the local custom as a source of law became increasingly important because … (choose 2 correct answers)
British people certainly say that they have a …, but it is one that exists in an abstract sense, comprising a host of diverse laws, practices and conventions that have evolved over a long period of time
Another characteristic of the unwritten constitution is the special significance of political customs known as ‘…’, which oil the wheels of the relationship between the ancient institutions of state
Constitution guarantees citizens certain substantive and procedural … to which they deemed themselves entitled as subjects of the British crown under the ancient English common law
… rests upon popular participation in government, constitutionalism upon disclosure of and openness about the affairs of government
In US law, a … is a crime punishable by a term of imprisonment of not less than one year or by the death penalty
Arrange the documents chronologically:
Match the words with the definitions:
Arrange the documents chronologically (consider the date of their adoption):
Match the words with the synonyms:
Drug abuse and … are associated with drug-related crimes
In certain cases, drug use can be connected to crimes that only relate to drugs in an … way
Distributing a drug is …
… is a drug-defined crime (chose 2 correct answers)
There are those who feel that drug crime … is a serious drain on resources, and they worry that drug laws can create more crime than they stop by generating a black market
If a dealer from Austria sells drugs to a buyer from the USA, it is called drug …
Drug use is regarded as a real problem in many parts of the world, although the extent of the issue varies greatly depending on culture, access, and …
Many countries are affected by … addiction today
Organized … activities are activities such as money laundering and political corruption, in support of the drug trade
In certain cases, drug use can be connected to … that only relate to drugs in an indirect way
…crimes come in several different varieties, and the connections that exist between … and crime can sometimes be very nuanced and complex
Drug … is a global illicit trade involving the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws
According to the statistics there are nearly 500,000 drugs … registered in Russia; however, experts suggest that the number is at least six times greater
According to researchers of scientists every 10th family has met the problem of drug …
Complex Measures to withstand abuse and illegal drugs …was worked out and successfully implemented by central and local authorities
The most widespread classification of drugs is according to the way they … the body, how they are used or where they are used
Match the words with the definitions:
Match the words with the definitions:
Arrange the following drug control treaties chronologically according to the date of their entry in force:
Arrange the first drug regulations chronologically according to the date of their entry in force:
It is not correct that … factors are contributing to the difficulty in measuring drug-crime relationships
A … is a type of offense punishable under criminal law by less than 12 months in jail
Under “biography” is meant each region of distribution of narcotic drugs has its own …
According to the specialists, the current level of drug addiction is …
The general trend concerning the narcotic drugs is that the main indicators of mortality fall to … people
There is a complex interconnection among drugs, alcohol, violence, and … behavior
Drug-related crimes consist of crimes to possess, …, or distribute drugs classified as having a potential for abuse
It’s obvious that drug … and drinking can also lead to violent behavior that is not reported and never makes it into the criminal justice system
In case people use chemicals or distribute them, they might be prosecuted by the government and sent to …
Medications or pharmaceuticals are also … and are regulated differently depen
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