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Загружен: 19.09.2024

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2853 ₽
Grab Ichigoichies two fresh musical strategy titles in one package and control your own soundtrack at a great price Each game is built with Ichigoichies Original Music Engine OME which creates the games soundtrack directly from each choice you make while clearing levels No two playthroughs ever sound the same

About Backbeat

Stephanie Watts Watson an aspiring bassist bounced from audition to audition never finding music that really resonated with her that is until she discovered the magic of funk Caught up in the groove she recruits a group of hometown amateurs to take on art school darlings La Tormenta at the Battle of the Bands


Join Watts as she grows on a musical journey rooted in funk and fusion Soulful grooves and hot licks are composed by Pete Fraser session saxophonist to the The Pogues Friendly Fires and Field Music Twenty musical motifs are recorded by a live ensemble of seven funk masters providing the foundation for the dynamic music in the game Unique songs are generated depending on what directions and paths you take in each puzzle Customize your performance with alternate playing styles instruments swaps and realtime audio effect pedals


Each character in your band moves through the map in different ways encountering unique solutions and obstacles Advancing a character consumes a turn and part of the timeline setting up interactions with other characters and enemies at different points in time Rewinding a turn undoes your move allowing you to find improved solutions and new ways to tackle problems

Manipulate each character separately rewinding or fastforwarding along the timeline in the process to reach her current point in time Changes in time are reflected in the progress and actions both past and present of each character creating some possibilities and removing others

Each character has his own resourcelimited super move which can be triggered under certain conditions Tip toe through tight spaces with your bassist slide through guards with your keytar player break through walls with your drummer or blow enemies out of the way with your mighty super sax Strategic use of your super moves increase the number of solutions to each puzzle and are the key in gaining a maximum score

Four resourcebased musical metrics govern how and when you can move and interact with objects in the levels These can completely block progress if used inefficiently and create amazing musical chains and high scores when regulated artfully


Backbeat is a homage to the 16 and 32bit storydriven games of the 1990s recreating the challenges and victories of the last days of analog life and the birth of the internet The suburban Washington DC area is reflected in diner parking lots shopping malls and dimly lit arcades

A colorful cast of supporting characters both friend and foe join Watts as she struggles with leadership success and holding together a band

About Hexagroove Tactical DJ

Hexagroove combines elements of strategy rhythm and action games in a unique blend of selfexpression Your goal as a DJ is to combine musical loops in real time to regulate a virtual audiences energy working them into a state of euphoria with your artistic skills The action swings from contemplative to frantic as you move between song sections in one of ten dance music genres Over time youll unlock new musical loops DJ tricks and club venues to play in Perform together with friends in your room or on the dance floor with this truly creative title



With musical content from Japan Sweden and the Netherlands by Mr YT Yuji Takenouchi missingsoul Legowelt CYLON Runners Club 95 no 9 SEXYSYNTHESIZER DÉ DÉ MOUSE Big Skapinksy TWIDDL Kristoffer Wallman lallo
Описание продукта
▪️ Название:Backbeat and Hexagroove Music Strategy Bundle
▪️ Платформы:XboxOne, XboxSeriesX
▪️ Гарантии: Да
▪️ Активация: Microsoft (Xbox)
▪️ Срок действия: Без ограничений
▪️ Тип продукта: Услуга или код
▪️ Регион активации: Регион будет в описание после покупки.
▪️ После успешной активации можно выключить IP
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